30 November

Best Student Presenter in Computing Event

The “Computer Science and Engineering” departments held the one-day event, on Tuesday 29th November 2022, in the area of “Information Technology and Application” at Komar University of Science and Technology (KUST). The departments collaborated with the Computer Department of the …

02 November

Field Trip to Gassin Cement Factory

Computer Science and Computer Engineering departments organized a field trip to Gassin Cement Factory. On 26th, October 2022, the students of both departments visited this factory to become familiar with the applications of IT and information management systems in the …

25 October

Digital Library Workshop

KUST Data Center conducted a workshop titled “Planning and Implementing the E-Library System.” about how to use the E-library of Komar for Faculty and Staff Members on October 25th, 2022. In this workshop, the audiences were trained on how to use …

23 December

Computer Science and Engineering Poster Day

The “Computer Science and Engineering” departments organized a scientific event titled “CPS and CPE Poster Day” on the 23rd of December, 2021. In this event, the students from both departments presented their scientific posters under the supervision of their lecturers …

15 September

Welcome to Academic Year 2021-22

Welcome to the 2021-2022 academic year! We are glad that we are back on our campus. On behalf of our faculty and staff of the Computer Science Department, we welcome all students. We are here to support you during your …

01 December

Komar Data Center (KDC) Workshop

The “Computer Science and Engineering” departments organized a workshop on 1st December 2020 to introduce the Komar Data Center (KDC) project and explain the E-Library and physical library as one automation part of the KUST management system. This workshop started …

23 April

E-learning Feedback in CPS and CPE Departments

CPS and CPE Departments, based on the KUST decision on 19th April, have been started the e-learning style. For that purpose, Dr. Osman (Chairman of the Computer Science Department) and Dr. Fryad (Chairman of the Computer Engineering Department) have decided to …