GP – Graduates showcase
On January 11th 2023, the day of the GP graduation project, graduates showcased their innovative projects to faculty, peers, and professionals. The event captured the culmination of months of hard work, highlighting the diverse talents within the graduating class. A few pictures beautifully encapsulated the essence of the projects, creating lasting memories of academic success and the beginning of promising careers.
The evaluate all the graduation projects listed below in the, fall 23 semester and take responsibility for the evaluation results with the following members:
- Dr. Osman Sharif Osman (Head of Committee)
- Dr. Diyari Hassan (External Examiner)
- Dr. Dilan Faraidoon (Internal Examiner)
- Dr. Rawia Tahrir (Internal Examiner)
- Academic Advisor.
The Projects are:
1. Image Processing-based Spiral Drawing Robot.
Supervisor: Dr Osman.
1) Danyar Hoshyar – F180116
2) Ravyar Sarbast Tahir – F190339
2. Strengthening Network and Web Apps Security.
Supervisor: Mr. Bamo.
1) Mohammed Sabir – F190611
2) Diyar Hassan- F190601
3. Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning.
Supervisor: Ms Sara.
1) Aroz Rzgar Ali-F190615
2) Aland Taha Omer-F190608
3) Mohammed Shawkat Mohammed-F190610
4. Sign Language Recognition Using Random Forest Classifier.
Supervisor: Ms. Sara.
1) Bozhin Nabaz Mahmood – F190431
2) Diar Jamal Mahmood – F190234
3) Mohammed Mohammed Namq – F180398