Digital Library Workshop
KUST Data Center conducted a workshop titled “Planning and Implementing the E-Library System.” about how to use the E-library of Komar for Faculty and Staff Members on October 25th, 2022.
In this workshop, the audiences were trained on how to use the E-Library system and get familiar with its features. This helps instructors to easily follow up with their students while using the related text book recommended to read in the course syllabus.
The system and its functions were explained by Dr. Othman Sharif, the chairman of Computer Science department and Dr. Fryad Rashid, the chairman of Computer Engineering department. The system can be used by both students and faculty members which includes thousands of E-books and scientific articles. Through the use of the E-library, students and faculty are able to find and locate hardcopy books in the library on campus. The system is set to be developed further in the future, adding more books and articles to be used for research and scientific purposes.